Chapter 133 – 06/05/2021

So we’ve had the first Brisbane Show in 2 years. And what a show it was!
Despite the rain, thousands of you turned up to play trains.

So before we get to far into my usual saunter down insanity boulevard, we’d like to thank Bruce, Frank and the entire AMRA club of Queensland for putting on yet another great show.

Being that we like to keep all things fair in the old Adam’s Corner realm, the following will be a completely biased, opinionated and one sided commentary of the show according to me.

This was decided by a meeting of fictitious semi asthmatic molluscs whom were completely unable to string two grunts together in a conference that took place upon the vacant block of land that resides between my ears.

After the “extended little lunch” that was 2020, this was only the second show at this venue on Gregory Terrace. Frank and Bruce had told me they’d rearranged things differently this year to make the “flow” better… Plumbing aside, they did a spectacular job!

Several of you had commented to me that the layouts were of a far better standard this year and from what little I saw, I have to agree. Both Matthew and myself managed to do a fair bit of “grocery shopping” as well.

By shopping, obviously, I mean a small truck load of kits to go on our upcoming gallop down Ga Ga Street that we are calling our next layout. Sadly, Bridget didn’t get to grab any of her usual railway books as the ones she’s chasing were in short supply this time around.

I will say that this year we saw A LOT of Queensland models running round on layouts. Mostly ours, but a few SRM and CGL models were also spotted. I will say that it does give me a sense of joy to see so many things we’ve made being enjoyed by fellow modellers.

Back when the Queensland market consisted primarily of kits, you were hard pressed to see them at a show running around a layout. So, this is something that makes me very happy to see.

One person actually commented to me that the last time he attended the Brisbane show, it was primarily American layouts with a smattering of British and German layouts to even it out.

This time around, he informed me with a sense of joy, it seems to be 90% Australian and about 50% of that seems to be Queensland models. Sometimes it’s hard for us to notice these things at shows from our position but it’s wonderful when someone points it out.

As it’s 2021 and the after effects of the extended beep for the swear word that was 2020 is still upon us, it was great to actually be able to put some faces to some names of people that we regularly speak to.

People such as Mitch Vickers-Jones (whom I didn’t manage to get a photo of since he was muttering something about the “witness protection program”).

As well as Rob Sou, whom Bridget introduced herself to by screaming “you’re the tallest person ever!”.

It was great to actually be able to put some faces to names after having spoken to them for such lengthy periods of time.

So once again, we’d like to say a massive thanks to the AMRA Club of Queensland for putting on yet another spectacular show.

In other news, the Thursday prior to the show was Michael’s second birthday.
That’s right two years to the day before that Thursday, Hell spat forth our dearly beloved son/Chucky Doll.

Thankfully, our good friend Shane from Bundaberg Toyworld was available to load us up with enough presents to create a global shortage of China’s finest produce.

So on behalf of myself, Bridget and Matthew, we’d like to thank you all for your continued support. Our next show is the Toowoomba Show on the 5th and 6th of June at the Toowoomba Showgrounds. This is another of our favourite shows, due to the club being comprised mostly of lunatics whom enjoy having a laugh above all else.

As always though, we shall see how we go.

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