Chapter 127 – 21/12/2019

It appears to be “that time of year again”. That’s right it’s the part of the year where we all pretend we’ve been good for the preceding 12 months and get ready to have our roofs assaulted by 8 terminally chirpy reindeer hauling a morbidly obese, facial hair festooned diabetic with a seriously unhealthy red pajama fetish.

It’s around this time of year that some silly long haired bugger starts getting reflective upon the year that’s been.

For me personally, 2019 will be remembered as the year that we achieved a very personal dream of mine and released not one, but TWO mass produced RTR wagons made right here in Queensland.

This is something we’ve been quietly plodding away at for nearly 10 years. And we’re very thankful to ALL of you for the unimaginable support you’ve directed at us. on behalf of the entire Wuiske Models team, I’d like to say a massive thank you to you all.

Back in April, we released the HJS Open Wagon as our first “Made in Qld” product and the response was brilliant.

With our second release, the KSA cattle Wagon, we managed to step up a few levels of complexity to include finer and more detailed injection molding (that we were told was impossible) and of course Tampo Printing!

Printing of this type is something that has not been done on Model trains in Australia since the 1970s!

Overall, Bridget and I are now about 85% of our way towards setting up a complete model railway factory right here in Queensland and we have A LOT more models coming.

With all of this going on, it’s been a bit of a struggle to find time to get any real work done on our own models. Aside (of course) from the fleet of weathered HJS and KSA wagons that are now at home on the Wuiske Models layout.

About the only things I’ve managed to do is to get  few QLXP wagons completed just for ourselves. These still need couplers and handbrake wheels applied.

We’ve also finally finished the Caintode Flats CLC wagon kit. This still needs the air hoses painted and weathering applied. I did use our Combination Brake Set, Air Hoses and Buffers on this model. Otherwise, it’s a stock standard kit.

I can safely say that 2020 will be bringing a few new and exciting items from both the Wuiske/Haskell stable as well as the wuiske models made in QLD line.

On behalf of Bridget, Myself and the entire Wuiske Models team, we would like to wish you all a VERY merry and safe Christmas as well as a safe and prosperous new year.

Hopefully next year we’ll get some more of our personal models completed. We are hoping to write a chapter on the complete process for making RTR models as this seems to be a closely guarded secret these days here in Australia. As always though, we shall see how we go.

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