Well another Brisbane Show is behind us and another RTR wagon is under our belts, on to the next one… But before we do, maybe Bridget and I can get some work done on the layout first.
After much checking, rechecking, double checking, checking to see if we weren’t checking too much and checking to see if we understood what we’d checked and finally a game of checkers… Bridget and I decided to install the Digikeijs components on the layout.
After much revision and swearing from myself, Bridget managed to follow the destructions for the system and I’m pleased to say that we now have the main unit (DR5000) as well as the two booster units (DR5033) wired in and the layout is back to being three power districts.
You’ll notice in the photo, three DR4088LN units. These are the block detection units. I’m very pleased (and relieved) to say that these are VERY simple to connect. Essentially, one wire from the bus remains exactly where it is. The other runs through the DR4088LN and each section (or Block) has one wire going into the corresponding point on the 4088LN.
Whilst Bridget and I have only wired in the first power district for block detection, we now know what we’re ding, so the next step is to place gaps in the rails of the other sections and wire them through the next two 4088LN units.
Aside from all the DCC related stuff, I’ve had a chance to add some loads to a couple of our personal HJS wagons. This was done with simple items I found on eBay over the years. Personally, I think the wagons with the tarped loads need to be dulled down a bit with a misty or a grimy colour.
Aside from this, Bridget has proved far more patient than myself when it comes to installing point motors in difficult positions. We’ve also added some more greenery to the area surrounding the fuel depot.
A fence was made from soldered brass wire (as per a previous chapter) and covered with tulle fabric, the whole thing was then painted with a matt aluminium paint.
This weekend we have the upcoming Toowoomba Model Railway Show, This one is always a great event… Even though it is ALWAYS freezing! As with the Brisbane Show, Steve Colclough has kindly volunteered to lend a hand and install decoders and offer a repair service for everyone. Bridget and I hope to see you there.
With small bits and pieces being done bit by bit, the layout is really starting to take shape, soon enough, we’ll be installing the signalling… Then again, we shall see how we go.