Chapter 108 – 16/11/2016

1Well here we go again with another chapter of the world according to me. Since the last chapter, we have had out last show of the year, the new Logan Model Railway Show as well as the Modelling The Railways Of Queensland Convention.

2As usual the convention was brilliant and a wealth of information was offered as well as a heap of inspiration. The highlight for me though was the diorama (or soon to be layout hopefully) from Steve Hornabrook. His Diorama “Tarni” is a fictitious branch line set somewhere in South Eastern Queensland. This is Steve’s first effort at modelling and WOW, it’s impressive!

3As you can see from the photos, there is nothing at all that would allude to this being a first shot at modelling. After a fairly lengthy conversation with Steve, I learned he had spent a lot of time researching blogs, websites and faceplant groups for ideas. Most of the structures on the diorama are built using a rapid prototyped frame with styrene cladding laid over the top. All done on an Aldi machine too!

4Steve has used basic techniques for his scenery to amazing effect. Simple applications of static grass and weathering powders over plaster stained bases have really captured the look and feel of a small Queensland Branch in the 1960s beautifully.

8As I mentioned before, we also had first Logan Model Railway Show held in Beenleigh. This was put on my the Logan Club and they did a spectacular job! Our thanks go to Jim and all the boys at the club for doing an amazing job! Especially for a first show.


7The show was packed with layouts and traders. There were some new layouts there and a lot of different things not usually seen at the shows. The stand out layout was Dennis Campbell and Gary Psyden’s Stanumvale. This QR layout is beyond SPECTACULAR!

6For those that remember Caintoad Flats, this is head and shoulders above it. The level of detail is just amazing. Every part of the layout has some amazing detail. From the WWII air raid shelter down to the lamps inside the loco shed.

5With the sunday winding down, I thought I would take the oppurtunity to walk around and get a few photos of the usual suspects from the shows. Obviously it wouldn’t be Adam’s Corner if we didn’t make it a bit more “interesting” though…

10Kerry helping out Dave McPhee from Modeller’s Warehouse.

9George from Aurora Trains, with Yani from Craftsman Scale Accessories and Roc Wall from the Gold Coast Club.

12Gerard Ryan and his son Brendan.

11Benjamin Page from Train Pictures and James from the house next door to the house next door to Jame’s house.

14Al Cutmore from AR Kits… and apparently endorsing some soft drink company.

13Anatol… Fresh from the nuthouse.

16Jim Costello from J&J Hobbies.

15Matt from Matt’s Ballast.

I will do my best to put up some more photos of Stanumvale in the next chapter. As always though, we shall see how we go.


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